
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Waldorf Salad

I have been making this salad forever, but it is only recently that I found out its real name and the history behind it. We used to call it - Celery Root and Apple Salad and we liked to serve it as a dinner appetizer.

Last time I added dried cranberries and pecans instead of walnuts and I have to say, that was a perfect combination of flavors and texture. In my opinion, texture is crucial for Waldorf Salad - crunchy and crispy. You can cut apples and celery root in cubes, but I prefer when they are finely sliced and cut into wide stripes.

And I always use sour cream instead of mayonnaise, it is healthier and tastier.

You need:

1/2 head of Roman lettuce
1 medium celery root
1 Granny apple
1/2 lemon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons pecans, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons dried cranberries, chopped

Wash, dry in a spinner and chop Roman lettuce. Place it in serving bowl.
Peel the celery root and the apple, half them and then slice on mandolin or slicer. Slices should be 2-3mm thick. Cut them into 1.5cm wide stripes. While you are cutting and placing them in new bowl drizzle lemon juice over each layer because apple and celery root turn dark very fast.

Add salt and sour cream and mix everything well. Transfer the mixture to serving bowl, place it over chopped Roman lettuce. On top, add chopped dried cranberries and pecan.


  1. Replies
    1. Sjajna zanimacija za zube i desne. Zato mi se toliko i svidja.

  2. I moja, i moja! Samo što ja sve narendam, kao za coleslaw. Al sad ću da probam sa seckanjem.

    1. Interesantno, nikada mi to nije palo na pamet. Znam da puno njih je secka na kocke.

  3. Wow this looks delicious
