
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Maria Theresia Coffee

I always look forward to try new kind of coffee because I am a big coffeeholic. And I love the name of this coffee. Maria Theresia was a great historical figure of 18th century and the only female sovereign of Austrian empire. She rulled most of the Central Europe for 40 years.

My husbands' family is from the region of Serbia that once belonged to Maria Theresia's empire. Influence of her governance is felt even today - in architecture, culture and, of course, food. I knew my hubby would be excited to try the coffee named after the beloved Austrian empress.

What makes this drink special is orange liqueur. I used the best one, Grand Marniers.

You need for 2 cups:

1 2/3 cup freshly brewed black coffee
3 tablespoons Grand Marnier liqueur
2 teaspoons sugar
Heavy cream
Candied orange peel

& chocolate bar to share


Brew the coffee. Pour in Grand Marnier. You may add spoon by spoon to see what amount is the best for you. Then, stir in sugar. Fill the cups with coffee. Top it with whipped cream. Garnish with candied orange peel. Serve the coffee with chocolate.


  1. Jako volim kavu ali nikako da si naviknem nepce na okus ovih aromatiziranih. Jako dobro izgleda Marijina kava;)

    1. Iskreno vrlo je dekadentna... ukus kafe i pomorandze, pa slag, onda usecerena kora i jos sa cokoladom... mmmm.
