
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sautéed Chicken Liver in White Wine

Yesterday when I saw chicken livers in Whole Foods, I bought them straight away. I think I haven’t eaten them for long time. 

Chicken livers bring memories of time spent in the countryside where my grand parents lived. When my grandma wanted to make chicken she would go straight away to the chicken coop, pick an appropriately sized unfortunate chicken, kill, clean and roast it. 

I loved to watch her cleaning the bird. She would put it in the big pot with hot water, remove all the feathers, and then take the inner organs from the chicken out… livers, heart, kidney and small egg yolks as unformed eggs. My grandma loved to grill all of them on a wood stove top, which was really cool. I would say the whole experience had some primal touch. 

Sautéed chicken livers are not bad either. You should put a lot of onion, some herbs and white wine. Serve it with Greek plain yogurt on top of toasted bread.

It sounds strange but I am crazier about chicken hearts than liver. In my home country, I used to make a dinner using at least 2 pounds (1 kilo) of them. Imagine so many hearts on your plate. How barbaric!

You need:
1 lb. chicken livers (it should be very fresh) whole or cut in half and patted dry
1 lb. onions, finely sliced

3 Tbs. olive oil

2 bay leaves
3 thyme springs

Salt and fresh black pepper
Handful flat parsley, chopped
½ cup white wine

Prepare chicken liver, slice the onions. Heat the olive oil in wide sauce pan. Add onions and fry them until they turn light brown.  Add chicken livers, bay leaves, thyme, salt and black pepper. Saute it on medium heat. Stir it every few minutes. At the end, when liver is done, after 15 minutes of cooking, add white wine and parsley. Serve it with yogurt and toasted bread.