
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Plum Chocolate Tart

As Barry White would say:

I've heard people say that
Too much of anything is not good for you, baby
But I don't know about that...

There's just not enough of
 this plum chocolate tart for me...

This is the best thing I've recently eaten. Chocolate and plums make a perfect combo, plus crunchy almonds and a very good crust. Love it, baby, love it!

I found this recipe on Maja's blog. I changed it a little bit.

You need:

220g (1 1/2 cup) flour
Pinch of salt
113g (1 stick) cold butter, cut into small cubes
1 egg
50g (1/4 cup) powdered sugar
550g (1.2 lb) very ripe Italian blue, or mix of different plums
100g (1/2 cup) sugar
40g corn starch or vanilla pudding filling
200g (7oz) bittersweet chocolate
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup slivered almonds, sliced

Tart pan, 11 inch (28cm) diameter, with a removable bottom.


Wash and drain plums. Remove the pits and cut plums into small pieces. Mix them with sugar and set aside to rest for 4-5 hours.

Sift flour in food processor. Add sugar and salt. Pulse it. Then add cold butter cubes and egg. You will need few pulses to get the right crumbled mixture for the crust. When it's done, shape the dough into disk form, wrap with plastic foil and move to fridge for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 355F (180C).

Remove the dough from the fridge and place it on parchment paper. Use rolling pin to stretch the dough to fit into the baking pan, completely covering the bottom and the inside wall. Use your fingers to gently press the dough into form of the pan. Stir in corn starch in plum-sugar mixture and mix it well. Pour plum filling into crust shell. Bake it in the oven for 40 minutes.

In the meantime make the chocolate glaze. Melt the chocolate, using double steaming pan. Add oil. Pour it over plum filling while still warm.

Scatter sliced almonds on the top.

Move the tart to the fridge to cool down completely.


  1. It looks really great, I like the almonds at the top! And I'm honestly glad you liked the tart, plums and chocolate are great in such layered situations :)

    1. Thanks, Maja! I am glad you like it. I'll say again, that's absolutely fabulous dessert.

  2. Wonderful! Have to try it, plums are my almost favorite fruit for baking :)

    1. Matejka, you must try it. This is the perfect time for it.

  3. Sweet perfection. The best plum tart I have ever tried. I made it two days ago with some changes - in the lack of fresh I used dried plums. That worked even better for me - didn't have to add corn starch or pudding and I reduced sugar for half at least. Also rum came as a "special guest" flavor. Now I'm looking forward to try the fresh version.

    1. I wondered if it could work with dried plums. Except rum did you add any other liquid?

    2. No I didn't, just rum. I've soaked plums over night and next day I cooked it until boil (in the same water). Filling was thicky and solid enough so I could have added more liquids e.g. agave syrup (for healthier version) but I quit eventually.
