
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Homemade Yogurt

I love to make homemade dairy stuff and there is a long list of dairy products I plan to make this summer. It is surprising that on your own you can make better yogurts than those bought in the stores. I took this recipe from the blog Moljac u špajzu (Pantry Moth), as a part of a food blogger game where you make other bloggers' recipes, and let me tell you, I made a good choice. Btw, if you like European food, you must visit this blog because there are so many different dishes covered, most of them from Vojvodina, part of Serbia influenced by Austrian and Hungarian cuisine.

Here in US, yogurt is often eaten with something sweet, fruit or cereal, but I think it's much better in savory combinations. In the summer time I like to make yogurt sauce with herbs and sour cream - hope to write a post about it soon!

I guess taste of homemade yogurt may vary based on a kind of yogurt you use as a base. I had Danone plain yogurt. Also, the final result could depend on the temperature of the milk or the room. Mine turned out to be very smooth and consistent, not too tart, and worked for me perfectly. Although it is very healthy, I don't like to see whey in my yogurt and that is why I prefer this recipe. See, I am not like Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey...

You need:

1 1/2 l  ( 1 1/2  quart) whole milk
3 hipping tablespoons of plain whole milk yogurt
5-7 clean ramekins
Large dish like baking pan


In one half of milk (at room temperature) stir in 3 tablespoons of yogurt. You may use hand mixer to make it smooth. Pour the mixture into the ramekins but only to the half.

Heat the other half of milk till it reaches 100F temperature. Then, pour it over the cold milk in the ramekins.

Place the full ramekins in a large dish. Pour hot water into the the large dish, 2-3 fingers high, so ramekins are surrounded with water. Cover everything with kitchen towel and let the magic happen in 18 hours.

Then, place it in the fridge and consume over the next couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. Mama je znala da pravi kiselo mleko u Americi ali meni to nije bilo ni približno isto našem kiselom mleku. Ja volim izuzetno kisela, kisela mleka i uvek kupujem proizvode jednog proizvođača. Ti mlečni proizvodi su zaista jedino što nam je zaista, ali zaista nedostajalo tamo. Od tog kiselog mleka možeš praviti kiseliji sremski sir, imaš recept kod mene za Damski krem sir, a sa pavlakom kiselom standardni sremski. Jedino što su fetu kupovali u nekoj grčkoj prodavnici. U svakom slčaju, uvek postoji nešto što čoveku nedostaje kad je u drugoj zemlji.
