
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Homemade Ferrero Rocher Balls

During the Christmas season you can find Ferrero Rocher in every good store. Neatly arranged in boxes with transparent lids, wrapped in golden foil, these chocolate balls look irresistible. However, as even the largest box will probably last you only a day or two, why don't make them yourself?

I found recipe for homemade Ferrero Rocher on this blog. Mignonne is an unofficial queen of small cookies and you should see what this girl bakes, that is amazing.

When it comes to Ferrero Rocher balls it is all about hazelnut... recipe includes chopped hazelnuts, Nutella (hazelnut-chocolate spread) and hazelnut wafers. 

Preparation is very simple but it can be messy. That is just a small sacrifice for a great treat.

You need:

150g hazelnut
100g hazelnut wafers
200g Nutella
100g chocolate chips
3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil


Roast hazelnuts in the oven for 10 minutes on 355F (180C). Then remove loose skins and chop nuts coarsely. Leave on a side small amount of chopped hazelnuts for coating.

In a bowl mix hazelnut wafers (broken into small pieces), chopped hazelnuts and Nutella using your hands. This is the messy part. Refrigerate the mixture for at least 1 hour and then make the balls with your hands, 1/2 tablespoon of mixture for each. Refrigerate the balls for 2 hours.

Melt the chocolate chips over low heat, add vegetable oil and hazelnut leftover.

Dip balls in chocolate coating and place them on parchment paper. Let them cool and then move to the fridge. When chocolate coating is firm, balls are ready to be served.

I made pictures of Ferrero Rocher balls on my favorite plates that I bought in Anthropologie. They look so beautiful, I think this is the best stuff that I purchased recently. They were created by the artist Pia Bramley.


  1. e pazi kad sam u zadnjih par dana cula par puta za tu anthropologie radnju od par prijateljica.. i one su kao u fazonu "jaooo pa kako nisi cula za tu radnju, tebi bi se bas svidjela".. tako da sam se namjeracila da je uskoro posjetim =)))

    inace, kuglice ti mmmmmmljac izgledaju! ;)

  2. Znas kako, garderoba im je preskupa a i nije po mom ukusu, mada se nadje koja krpica koja mi se svidja, ali zato posudje i te stvarcice za kuhinju su im fenomenalne. Mozes da nadjes na popustu pristojne stvari, kao ja ove moje tanjire.

  3. Oho-ho...savrsenstvo! Ovi uvijek imaju prednost (kod mene) u odnosu na kupovne ;-)

  4. Oh kako predivno izgledaju. Da znaš da ću ih praviti, vrlo brzo. Mnogo mi se dopadaju tanjri a na fotkama igra senki.
