
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Serbian Doughnuts with Jam (Krofne)

This is my mom's recipe and she actually made those doughnuts on the pictures. So, she is the star of this post.

Simple but amazingly good thing, Serbian doughnut. Thanks to my mom, I tried them again after many years... and, they didn't lose any of their old charm.

In my opinion this is the most popular dessert in Serbia.

For yeast mixture you need:

1 package (10g) active dry yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup warm milk
1/4 cup warm water

For dough:

500-600g flour, and some for dusting
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 canola oil
3 eggs

Canola oil - to fill 1.5 inch of frying pan

Jam - my mom used raspberry jam, but you can use whatever you have in your pantry.

Powdered sugar


Combine 1/4 cup of warm water and 1/4 cup of warm milk with sugar, salt and yeast. Stir well and set aside for 10 minutes until mixture starts to bubble.

Knead the dough using sifted flour, yeast mixture, milk, water, canola oil and beaten eggs. When the dough is mixed well, remove it to the oiled bowl and cover with cloth or plastic wrap. Wait to rise for 1 hour until doubled in size.

Then punch the dough one more time and wait for 30 minutes to rise again.

Spread the dough on work surface dusted with flour. Using rolling pin stretch the dough and when it's 1cm thick use 6cm-diameter circle cutter to make rounds. Repeat the same process with the dough leftovers. Make a hollow on the top side of each dough round using your finger - that's where you will put jam filling.

Heat the canola oil in a small pan. Fry doughnuts in medium hot oil for 2-3 minutes each side, till they get nice brown color.

When doughnuts are fried remove them to the paper towel. Then, fill each with the jam. Sprinkle doughnuts with powdered sugar.

Eat warm.

My mom in action


  1. volim ih! krasne su, i pozdrav mami :)

    1. Keep up the good work, sto bi se reklo po ovdasnjem komsiluku; dok 'po naski' - nek Vam je sa srecom!

  2. How many pieces does this recipe yield? I want to make these in 2-3 bite size, how many do you think I'd get from this recipe? Thanks!!

    1. Kayla, I think that is a good idea. If they are smaller they are better fried. It is hard to tell how many it will yield, since it is my mom's recipe, but I would say 25-30.Enjoy them!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, the dough ended up being very watery with 600g flour, should the dough be easily mouldable? Also, is it 3 whole eggs?
