
Monday, December 19, 2011

Cabbage salad (Salata od kupusa)

When my hairdresser Melanie found out I was from Serbia, she said, “Oh, I know to make Serbian cabbage salad, my father-in-law taught me to do it”. I thought “Big deal! It is the simplest salad in the world”.

Then, one day I was eating my bean soup with cabbage slaw and I was thinking “Ivana, what would you do without this salad, how would you be able to eat bean or lentil soup without it?” No matter how simple this cabbage salad is, it is just the perfect food.  And, since then I started to appreciate cabbage slaw, and I decided to make a post dedicated to it… because I am not sure that anyone will write about it.

As I said, the recipe is super simple, but you should know a few things… shred the cabbage perfectly, it shoyld be very thin, and serve it right away, the salad can’t wait, otherwise it will become soggy and not presentable. 

Use vegetable oil, white vinegar and salt to taste to make the dressing. If you want a richer taste add fresh black pepper and roasted sesame seeds on the top.  I also like to try white wine vinegar instead of regular one.

You need:

½ medium fresh cabbage

2 Tbs. vegetable oil

1 ½ Tbs. vinegar of  white vinegar

½ tbs. salt

¼ tbs. fresh black pepper

1 tbs. roasted sesame seeds


Make the dressing mixing oil, vinegar, salt and fresh pepper.
Shred the cabbage and mix with the dressing.
Add roasted sesame seeds on the top.
Enjoy the flavor and crunchiness!

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