
Friday, November 25, 2011

Kompot, a popular winter drink

While I was posting about Hot Spiced Cider on my other blog I was trying to find a drink in Europe that is similar to an American one. And Kompot crossed my mind. Indeed, that non-alcohol drink is not so much like cider, but they share the same popularity in the cold winter time. You can buy it in the store, but it is not better than homemade kompot. The way of making it is very simple – throw fresh cut and dried fruit in the pot filled with water and cook it. Some spices and sugar will add a lot to the flavor.

The most popular fruits used for kompot are apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots, but the kompot queen is quince. Although not so tasty as a fresh one, it gets outstanding flavor in kompot, preserves and other winter goodies. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find quince here.

Anyway, I made my kompot without it, and it turned out very good. Plus, I was able to make some baby food from it for my little daughter.

On my picture below you can see the ingredients. 

You need:

  • 2 apples
  • 2 pears  
  • ¾ cup of prunes (dried plums)
  • ½ cup of dried cranberry
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • Juice of ½ orange


Find large pot and fill it with water (about 2 quarts). Cut all fresh fruit and put them in the pot. When you bring it to boil, decrease the heat and add dried fruit, cinnamon sticks, vanilla extract, sugar, and at the end of cooking add orange juice. It should be done in 15-20 minutes when the fruit is soft enough. Serve it hot. 


  1. Moja mama ima jednu kesu u fioci od zamrzivača i tu tokom cele godine ubacuje voće kako koje stigne i zamrzava. Nekolio jagoda, mrva malina, par šljiva, ribizle....onda za Badnje veče to kuva. To je naš kompot za Badnje veče. Zaboravljena poslastica.

  2. Jeco, ajde kad mozes napisi malo preciznije recept.Ne mora odnos voca, ali recimo ukupna kolicina voca i vode, i zacini. Hvala ti.


  3. Your photos are gorgeous, and these make me want to eat 'kompot'. Thanks for your comment on my blog and yes, I'm still in Belgrade!
