
Friday, January 21, 2011

How to make Turkish coffee?

I like almost any kind of coffee, but Turkish is very special to me. I started to make Turkish coffee for my parents when I was 5 years old... they still refuse to drink any other kind of coffee. So, what is so special about it? Very finely ground coffee and process of cooking without filtering. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter what kind of coffee it is, but how it is ground. I heard that almost every grocery store in the U.S. had coffee grinder with option "Turkish coffee", but I have to admit I never tried it. I always buy Serbian coffee in the international food stores.

If it is too complicated for you to make this coffee, you can always drink it in Lebanese, Serbian, Bosnian, Turkish and Greek (as Greek coffee) restaurants.

You need:
  • džezva (traditional coffee pot) or any other small pot
  • water
  • sugar
  • Turkish coffee
Where to buy Turkish coffee? My advice is to go online.

Check out these web sites:

  1. Pour water in the pot and place it on the stove. Measure coffee cup of water per cup of coffee.
  2. Add sugar. Teaspoon of sugar per one cup of coffee. If you like sweeter add more sugar.
  3. Bring water to boil and then remove the pot from the heat.
  4. Add coffee to water, one heaping teaspoon per cup, and stir.
  5. Reheat coffee and when foam starts to form on the top remove the pot immediately from the heat.
  6. Pour coffee into the cups. First put the foam with the spoon and then fill the cup to the top.

How to drink Turkish coffee?

Drink it while is hot. Serve coffee with sugar cubes, Turkish delights, dried fruits, nuts, etc. I like to have whipped cream on the top. In my opinion the best combo is Turkish coffee and delight with the glass of sparkling water. That's so irresistible!

And, there is fortune telling... When your coffee is consumed place the saucer on the cup top, make a wish, turn it counter-clockwise a few times and upside down onto the saucer, and wait for a while... wait for your destiny to settle down:) Open it, and find out your future by reading shapes and signs from the inner cup wall. Be careful, you can become addictive to it!

Oh, I forgot to tell you this is Serbian version of Turkish coffee, and it is a rather strong one.


  1. I tried Turkish coffee for the first time at the Black Olive today; it had a nice spiced flavor to it. From the pictures above, what does the coffee grind say about your future?

  2. It's going to be black and white:)

  3. I'll tell you what the coffee grind says: you see those bold parallel vertical lines on the left hand side? That means she will have a lot of success, probably with this blog. Seriously.

  4. An old friend of mine use to make a greek food dish called Kalsunia. I loved it when she would make it but her and I don't talk anymore and I was wondering if anyone has a recipe for it. I want to order greek food and turkish food online, please suggest me any website.

  5. Sorry for late response... I think I never heard of that dish, you should try to find it on the Internet.
    I don't know where you live, but usually you can easily find good Greek and Turkish restaurants... try some local websites with local restaurants reviews and ratings. Good luck!

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  8. This sort of coffee is no longer called "Turkish" in Serbia, but "Serbian", or "ours".
    They don't make or drink this sort of coffee in Turkey, they never have, so there is no reason whatsoever to call it so.
    It is brewed and enjoyed in Serbia only and deserves to be called accordingly.

    1. I bet people still call it Turkish coffee!

    2. As a Turkish woman who grew up in Turkey, I can attest to the fact that this is drank in Turkey and many other parts of the world, not just Serbia! In fact, you even use the turkish word for pot (cezve) in your recipe. So, Dolce Fooda, I agree with you that people still call it Turkish. Great blog and wonderful posts!!!! ignore the ignorant post above who is mistakenly correcting your brilliant post!

    3. Thanks! I have to say, since I drunk Turkish coffee in Turkey too, coffee in Serbia is stronger.
